The advantages of PLNG over conventional LNG are reduced processing, ease of access to gas as fuel, and most importantly, cost. The CAPEX and OPEX of PLNG is approximately 10% that of LNG. This is Revolutionary!
At -50 C and a moderate pressure of 100 Bar, natural gas (with some solvent added) will fully liquify. The solvent is not discharged with the gas. It is re-used with each refill. The net density of PLNG is approximately 335 kg/m3. This is a little more than 85% the density of LNG stored in a type-C fuel tank. At a lower temperature of -75 C, the net density of the liquified gas is much greater than LNG stored in a type-C tank; it is approximately 450 kg/m3.
With the world’s increasing demand for clean-burning natural gas, there has been a corresponding increase in the demand for LNG. However, the cost of establishing an LNG import terminal is often prohibitive. In such cases, the desire for access to clean-burning natural gas stays just that, a desire. However, using low-cost PLNG technology and CanaGas transport containers, access to natural gas is no longer barred by those that want it.
To safely store PLNG, CanaGas has designed a large type-4 composite pressure vessel. These tanks are sized so that three (3) fit snuggly inside a 40-foot shipping container. The void space is then filled with a fire-retardant polyurethane foam insulation. The pressure vessels are therefore cocooned inside of the steel shipping containers. The resulting gas storage system is robust, modular and, mobile. It is the low-temperature compatibility of these large type-4 pressure vessels that make them ideal for storing PLNG.
At -50 C, a 40-ft PLNG container will store approximately 10 tons of gas (540,000 scf).
At -75 C, a 40-ft PLNG container will store approximately 14 tons of gas (760,000 scf).
Using CanaGas containers, natural gas can be used to:
• Displace Diesel at Mines, Drill-Sites, Frack Sites, & Remote Communities.
• Eliminate of Flaring or Venting of Methane.
• Provide Clean Electrical Power Generation at Strategic Locations.
• Create A Virtual Pipeline (from any source of gas).
• Fuel Trucks, Trains, or Ships.
• Produce Stranded Gas (On-Shore & Off-Shore).
• Export Gas via Road, Rail, or Ship.